making a mess of my life so you can clean up yours


My Psychic Told Me to do This


I never thought I would be one to start a “blog”. From my snarky perspective it seemed like a completely self-serving and self-centered world filled with upsettingly stylish girls making avocado toast and sub-par DIY projects. And perhaps my instincts aren’t totally off with that assessment, but there is certainly more to this online world than watching someone hawk haircare gummy bears and flip Ikea furniture (just so everyone is clear, it never looks good, ever).

So what is the point of all this, you may ask. Well, it’s a few different things. The first is that yes, my psychic did tell me to do this. Do I believe every word out of her psychic mouth? No. But when I’m having a record bad few months, and feeling a little broken will I take advice and guidance from just about anyone? Yes, yes I will. Also, to be fair, she really just told me to promote myself and this is how I decided to do it, but that’s neither here nor there.

The second reason I am doing this is because there is a clear gap in the blog/design/lifestyle market for someone honestly recording not only her triumphs, but her failures. I intend to do both those things here through design, travel, food, style, and just life in general. My life is semi-exciting enough for this venture; I travel a lot, eat a lot, shop too much, design obsessively, and have a real archive of mistakes I’ve made that you can learn from.

The third and final reason for creating this blog (this is reading like a basic essay, and I’m in too deep to change the format) is a therapeutic one of sorts. Therapy for myself, yes, but also, some therapy for the readers. As I say above, I’m “making a mess of my life so you can clean up yours”. While life can be the most incredibly remarkable magical thing, it can also be just as incredibly remarkably magically shitty. And when we are in those shitty times it often seems like the most arduous task in the world to come out of them. I would like this to be a place where readers can come to relate to my enormity of failures, and see that there are so many triumphs to be had afterward. Also, there’s going to be some real top notch lifestyle and design advice (you’re welcome internet world).

WELL THAT’S MY VISION EVERYONE, 9 MONTHS IN REHAB AND HERE WE ARE. No, but seriously, I am genuinely excited to share some of my brain with you, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey (barf).

- Maddy