making a mess of my life so you can clean up yours


Mexico City Guide

Mexico City captured my heart in a way I NEVER expected it to. I thought, “oh I’ll have fun, but I’ll want to come home after a week”, well I thought wrong. I didn’t really know what to expect from the city, I had heard that there was a booming arts and food scene, but that’s really about it. Mexico City is a a perfect blend of Manhattan, Paris, and of course, Mexico. The city is sophisticated, progressive, creative, and never boring.

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My New York - A Guide

I went to New York last week for my birthday, or really so I could forget it was my birthday. I turned 28 against my will, and thought I should get out of town before anyone noticed the deepening fine line on my forehead. My goal was not to fall into a depression this birthday, and my plan worked! Turns out if you spend your entire birthday on an airplane watching Mulan and then sleeping, you tend to forget what day it is.

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