making a mess of my life so you can clean up yours


How to Dress for Work When You Don't Want to Dress for Work

I’ve recently found myself in situations where I need to dress “professionally”. After scouring my entire wardrobe, I have come to the conclusion that I don’t own anything particularly “professional”. The unfortunate truth of the adult working world is that to have your opinion taken seriously, you need to look like you take yourself seriously. If it were up to me I would be wearing my Madewell jeans and my Madeworn tees everyday of the week. I think I look like a cool adult, but far too many people have mistaken me for a 17 year old and my mother keeps telling me I look “tired”, so it’s clearly time to go shopping.

Below I’ve created 5 different looks that are chic, fun, and most importantly, professional. Click on the item title to shop and upgrade your look!

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Look 1: The belt is the most expensive item, don’t ask me why

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Look 5: The easiest for when you’re feeling lazy